The beautiful Beau Vallon beach in north Mahe. Taken in December , 2023, the sun sets over the granite hills of Morne Seychellois National Park in the distance. The monsoon clouds make for a dramatic close to the day.
Canon EOS 5D Mark IV + Canon 24-105 mm at 24mm; 2.5sec at f/22; ISO 100; Haid ND Grad Filter
A storm on the western horizon of Lhaviyani Atoll looms and casts huge storm clouds and a gloomy scene over this sliver of sand. This sand bar with its little beach hut, off Komandoo Island is reserved for tourists who want that Robinson Crusoe experience. The backlit voluminous clouds are reflected in the otherwise turquoise water. Canon 5D Mk III + Canon 24-70mm at 70mm; 1/1600sec at f/6.3; ISO 400.
Hard to believe it was pouring rain when I set out to take this photo. Oddly the rain was care of one big cloud hanging over Kuredu Island, the eastern horizon and the waters of the Lhaviyani Atoll were clear. The rain doesn’t last long in the Maldives. Canon 5D Mk III + Canon 24-70mm at 41mm; 1sec at f/22; ISO 100.
The rising sun punches a hole in the storm clouds over Lhaviyani Atoll in the Maldives. Canon 5D Mk III + Canon 24-70mm at 70mm; 1/5sec at f/18; ISO 640
A serene sunrise over Kuredu and the Lhaviyani Atoll. Shortly after taking this, I saw a green sea turtle playing on the surface about 50m off shore, as it was, there were two - so I jumped in and joined them. Canon 5D Mk III + Canon 24-70mm at 24mm; 1/3sec at f/22; ISO 100.